T Keys for sale
T Keys or 'Budget Lock Keys' work for opening doors and cupboards in and around a building where maintenance access is required.
Budget keys are pre-cut keys which are universal for budget type locks. This tapered key is robust and strong, therefore extremely reliable, especially when compared with plastic alternatives.
A T/Budget key would be applicable to potential applications such as utility meter cupboard locks, office key cabinets and loft hatch access locks.
T Keys for sale
T Keys or 'Budget Lock Keys' work for opening doors and cupboards in and around a building where maintenance access is required.
Budget keys are pre-cut keys which are universal for budget type locks. This tapered key is robust and strong, therefore extremely reliable, especially when compared with plastic alternatives.
A T/Budget key would be applicable to potential applications such as utility meter cupboard locks, office key cabinets and loft hatch access locks.